Thursday, March 7, 2019

Doctors in Training

Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 fragmentise 1 Emails 2-9-2009 instantly begins Part I of the Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Review Course. under you will chance 20 questions with specific page references to front serve for the USMLE Step 1, 2009 edition. Twenty new questions similar to the ones below will develop every Monday and Thursday to your email address from now until May 14th. These questions advance you to study for the USMLE now and overhaul you learn the gamy-yield information in a more active manner.At this point in your USMLE study, I recommend that you surpass about 10-12 hours a week reviewing and studying for the USMLE, but do non neglect your present coursework. At the b ar minimum, I recommend that you go though these twice weekly questions. I also highly recommend finding a study partner to keep you on-track and denounce your information more active rather than simply reading to yourself. Quiz for each one other with these questions and pimp each other with new questions as you go through depression countenance unneurotic. Addition every last(predicate)y, you should try to go through First Aid at least once prior to the fall out of Part II of the Doctors In Training. om Step 1 Review in lay to get the some out of the course. You can use our study schedules post online to help make your study plan. If you have any questions, please chitchat the website at www. DoctorsInTraining. com or contact our office via email or phone. Sincerely, Brian Jenkins, MD What would expect to find in a pt with a lesion of CN 12? CN X? (FA p396) What argon some of the distinctive clinical features of Williams syndrome? (FA p93) On which cells would you find CD3 molecules? On which cells would you find CD4 molecules? To what do CD4 molecules bind? On which cells would you find CD8 molecules?To what do CD8 molecules bind? (FA p195) What generates the S1, S2, S3, and S4 amount of money sounds? (FA p248) Name five or more med icates that get over acetylcholinesterase. What is the clinical application for each? (FA p229) What ar the main differences surrounded by nephritic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome? (FA p445) What atomic number 18 the acidic and basic amino acids? Where can you find high concentrations of basic amino acids? Why ar these amino acids found in these atomic number 18as? (FA p107) What bacteria are known for causing pipeliney looseness of the bowels? (FA p174) What plaza injury would you guess in a pt with the next enquiry deficits? FA p355) foot drop (loss of dorsiflexion) loss of plantar flexion loss of knee joint jerk loss of hip adduction What are the leading acts of death in infants? (FA p66) What is the compare for determining a drugs volume of diffusion? (FA p222) What are the clinical features of hyperammonemia? (FA p108) What changes in sleep patterns and sexual anatomy are forgathern in the elderly? (FA p70) Describe the probe and sample to which the pr obe binds in the following molecular biology techniques Southern blot, Northern blot, and Western blot. (FA p86)What are the diagnostic criteria for major depressive episode? What changes in sleep patterns are check offn in pts with depression? (FA p423) What is the clinical definition of chronic bronchitis? (FA p482) Which neoplasm is some ordinarily responsible for the hormone paraneoplastic syndrome? (FA p218) ACTH ( Cushings syndrome PTH-related peptide ( hypercalcemia erythropoietin ( polycythemia ADH ( SIADH What is the blood supply to the embryonic foregut, midgut, and hindgut? What adult structures arise from these primitive guts? (FA p299) Which footpath of the spinal cord relays sensory information from the body?Which tract relays botheration and temperature sensation? Which tract relays motor sensation to the body? (FA p388) What is the al well-nigh special K tumor of the salivary gland? What is the most common malignant tumor of the salivary gland? (FA p308) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 2-11-2009 What is the difference between a case-control study, a cohort study, and a clinical trial? (FA p60) Which studies use odds ratios, and which use relative risks? (FA p62) Three old age ago you hospitalized a 40-year-old male for myocardial infarction. He has been condition all of the usual medications.Today you notice that his platelet count is 30,000. What do you suspect is the cause of his low platelets? (FA p341) What are the divergent etiologies of Cushings syndrome? How is the level of ACTH different in each? (FA p286) Which virus is responsible for the following disease? (FA p166) hindquarters in children common cold (2 viruses) 1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children bronchiolitis in infants (especially premature) How many half-lives does it take for a drug infuse at a constant rate to reach 94% of steady responsibility? What variables determine the half-life of a drug? (FA p222)What structures of the inner ear are responsible for the sensation of linear and angular acceleration? (FA p398) What is the basic equation for cardiac output? What is the Fick principle? What factors affect stroke volume? (FA p245) What are the two most common causes of chronic renal failure? (FA p448) What is the most common cause of Erb-Duchenne palsy? What are the characteristic findings of Erb-Duchenne palsy? (FA p354) What are the signs and symptoms of poliomyelitis? If you suspected polio in a pt with yours, where would you want to obtain a viral sample from the pt? (FA p389) What are the 3 different eukaryotic RNA polymerases? What type of RNA does each make? (FA p78) How many umbilical vessels are there? Which umbilical vessel has the highest atomic number 8 content? (FA p124) What are Brunners glands? (FA p304) What are Peyers patches? (FA p303) How can these structures help you identify the location from which a histological specimen was taken? What is the rate-limiting enzyme for ketone deductive reasoning? for cholesterol discount? (FA p99) What is the classic triad of symptoms in multiple sclerosis? With what disorders do pts with multiple sclerosis commonly present? (FA p403)Which penicillin fits the following explanation? (FA p179) often the drug of survival against Enterococcus sp. pitchive against Pseudomonas sp. good for otitis media because it covers Strep. pneumo. and H. grippe a/w interstitial nephritis a/w heady (especially in pts with mononucleosis) What class of drugs is employ in the discussion of ADHD, narcolepsy, and obesity? (FA p230) What is the definition of first-degree heart block? (FA p254) What is the classic presentation of a patient with gonococcal arthritis? (FA p363) What is the difference between malingering and factitious disorder? FA p424) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 2-16-2009 What are the rate-limiting enzymes for the following metabolous processes? (FA p99) glycogen discount glycogen breakdown fatt y acid synthesis fatty acid oxidation Which adrenergic antagonists can be used to treat hypertension as well as urinary property in pts with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? (FA p231) What are the risk factors for colon crabmeat? (FA p316) What is the difference between prevalence and incidence? (FA p62) What physiology accounts for the automaticity of the AV and SA nodes? FA p252) How does the emphysema caused by smoking differ from the emphysema caused by alpa-1-antitrypsin deficiency? (FA p482) What is the difference between Meissners corpuscle and a Pacinian corpuscle? (FA p375) What syndrome causes the triad of sterility, bronchiectasis, and recurrent sinusitis? What is the primary quill defect in this syndrome? (FA p83) In which glomerular disease would you expect to see the following changes? (FA p445) foot process effacement (electron microscope) wire-loop appearance (light microscope) mesangial deposits of IgA (electron microscope) crescent-moon cause lesion (lig ht microscope) segmental sclerosis and hyalinosis (light microscope) What clinical scenario is most commonly seen in Reyes syndrome? What are the characteristics of Reyes syndrome? (FA p317) What would you expect to find in the synovial changeful of a pt with gout? with pseudogout? (FA p363) What effects do prostaglandins and thromboxane have on platelet aggregation? (FA p369) When is a fetus most susceptible to misuse from teratogens? What drug used in the treatment of hypertension is a teratogen? What effect does this have on the fetus? FA p122) Distinguish the following types of organ reassign rejection. (FA p206) MechanismTime Frame hyperacute rejection acute rejection chronic rejection What is Zollinger-Ellison syndrome? (FA p291) What type of collagen is freakish in patients with Alports syndrome? (FA p85) In which order elimination is the rate of elimination proportional to the drug concentration? (FA p223) What is the most common tumor of the adrenal medulla in adults? in children? (FA p287) What lab abnormalities would you expect to see in a pt with SIADH? (FA p291)What drugs are used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease? (FA p412) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 2-19-2009 What are the common location effects of beta-blockers? Which pt communitys should use caution when taking beta-blockers? (FA p232) What are the signs of right-sided heart failure? What are the signs of left-sided heart failure? (FA p265) What asthma medication fits the following statement (FA p487) inhaled treatment of choice for chronic asthma inhaled treatment of choice for acute exacerbations narrow therapeutic index, drug of last resort blocks changeover of arachidonic acid to leukotriene inhibits mast cell release of mediators, used for prophylaxis only inhaled treatment that blocks muscarinic receptors inhaled long-acting beta-2 agonist blocks leukotriene receptors What bacterium causes leprosy (AKA Hansens disease)? What part of the bod y is infected? What puppet is a reservoir in the US? (FA p148) What are the symptoms of Kluver-Bucy syndrome? What area of the wizardry is damaged in this syndrome? (FA p381) Why should a Hot T-bone steak come to hear when someone asks you about interleukins? (FA p199)Compare the leading causes of death in ages 1-14 to those in ages 15-24? (FA p66) What are the side effects of neuroleptic toxicity? (FA p431) What is the composition of a nucleosome? Which histone ties nucleosomes together? (FA p74) What types of preventive services are needed in the following pts? (FA p65) diabetic drug abuser alcoholic high risk sexual fashion What are the causes of normocytic, normochromic anemia? (FA p332) What 5 classes of medications are used to treat glaucoma? (FA p408) What infections are caused by Chlamydiae? What is the treatment for most Chlamydia infections? (FA p153)What are the characteristics of thoracic outlet syndrome? (FA p354) What abnormal lab values would lead you to suspe ct alcoholic hepatitis? (FA p318) What are the most common locations for atherosclerosis? (FA p261) What vitamin deficiencies would you expect to see in a pt with a malabsorption syndrome such as cystic fibrosis or celiac sprue? (FA p94) What types of pancreatic tumors are often seen in MEN type I? (FA p287) What nerves innervate the tongue? (FA p131) What is the classic presenting symptom in a pt with Lyme disease? (FA p151) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 2-23-2009What are the stages of dying according to Kubler-Ross? (FA p70) Explain the development of the thyroid gland. (FA p131) Which IV anesthetic fits the following comment? (FA p411) a/w hallucinations and bad dreams most common drug used for endoscopy used for rapid anesthesia demonstration decreases cerebral blood flow (important in brain surgery) What is the mechanism of activity and clinical use for methylphenidate? (FA p430) What is the most common urea regular recurrence disorder? What are the findings with this disorder? (FA p108) What change is seen in Barretts oesophagus? (FA p310)What is the equation for determining a drugs clearance? (FA p222) What substance activates the classic complement road? What substance activates the alternative compliment pathway? (FA p200) In a normal Gaussian curve, what percentage of the sample population falls 1 monetary standard deviation, 2 standard deviations, and 3 standard deviations? (FA p64) What is seen in Budd-Chiari syndrome? What conditions are a/w Budd-Chiari syndrome? (FA p318) What tests can be used to help detect the presence of an MI? (FA p263) What is the equation for calculating the glomerular filtration rate? (FA p437)How long does it normally take for an antidepressant to start work? (FA p432) What is the mechanism of effect of cyclosporin? (FA p206) In which glomerular disease would you expect to see the following changes? (FA p445) anti-GBM antibodies (immunoflourescence) Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions (ligh t microscope) spike and dome appearance (electron microscope) tram track of subendothelial humps (electron microscope) subepithelial humps (electron microscope) The most common cause of osteomyelitis in all patients is Staph. aureus. What organism would you also suspect in a sickle cell pt with osteomyelitis?What about a drug addict with osteomyelitis? (FA p175) What amino acids are necessary for p water synthesis? (FA p74) What is the rate-limiting enzyme for pyrimidine synthesis? for purine synthesis? (FA p99) What are the common causes of dilated cardiomyopathy? (FA p264) What hormone is detected in a positive urine pregnancy test? How long aft(prenominal) conception will this hormone first appear in the urine? (FA p460) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 2-26-2009 FYI The editors of First Aid for Step 1 have recently posted the Errata for their 2009 edition of First Aid.It can be found here http//firstaidteam. com/updates-and-corrections/ Describe the pat hway by which light affects melatonin secretion. (FA p71) What structures give rise to the glomerular filtration barrier? Which disease results from a loss of the negative charge glomerular filtration barrier? (FA p437) What are the trinity symptoms of pellagra? What are the causes of pellagra? (FA p95) What factors are considered when determining the loading battery-acid and maintenance dose of a medication? (FA p223) What are the two types of diabetes insipidus? What is the cause of each? (FA p291) What is the cause of cystinuria?What is the treatment for cystinuria? (FA p110) What is the WAGR complex? (FA p447) What two drugs are given(p) to those with organophosphate poisoning? (FA p228) What are some of the common causes of eosinophilia? (FA p327) What antibiotics have the following mechanisms of action? (FA p178) block DNA topoisomerase block the synthesis of peptidoglycans block nucleotide synthesis block mRNA synthesis Compare the leading causes of death in ages 25-64 to those in ages 65+? (FA p66) What are the risk factors for a fat embolus? What are the risk factors for a pulmonary embolus? (FA p265)What structures arise from the Mesonephric ducts? What other name is given to the Mesonephric ducts? (FA p133) Which lysosomal storage disease fits the following description? (FA p114) cherry red period on retina corneal clouding + mental retardation no corneal clouding + mental retardation demyelinating disease affects peripheral nerves wavelike paper cytoplasm sphingomyelin buildup treatment is dialysis aggregation of galactocerebroside in the brain accumulation of glucocerebroside in the brain What are the Jones criteria for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic pyrexia? (FA p267)What are some of the extrapulmonary causes of restrictive lung disease? (FA p482) What drug can be used to treat carcinoid syndrome? (FA p291) What is the difference between conscious, preconscious, and unconscious in Freudian psychoanalysis? (FA p417) conscious- p reconscious- unconscious- What muscles compose the rotator cuff muscles? (FA p350) What is the difference between Wernickes aphasia, Brocas aphasia, and conduction aphasia? (FA p381) Doctors In Training. com USMLE Step 1 Part 1 Emails 3-2-2009 How do nicotinic acetylcholine receptors differ from muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in their mechanisms of action? FA p225) What structures are injured in an worried triad knee injury? (FA p350) Which fungal infection fits the following description? (FA p155- FA p157) causes diaper rash opportunistic mold with septate hyphae that branch at a 45 degree angle opportunistic mold with unsteady nonspetate hyphae that branch at wide angles (90 degrees) dimorphic fungus kingdom common to SW US (San Joaquin Valley fever) causes thrush in immunocompromised pts and vulvovaginitis in women dimorphic fungi with broad-based budding yeast known for causing pneumonia in AIDS pts ( start Bactrim prophylaxis when CD4

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